Nodules - A singer's biggest fear and burden

NODULES - What are they and how to deal with them ?

Nodules are the worst vocal condition ever and there is a little number of people that managed to take care of their voice with them. 
Basically they are tiny folds on vocal chords that allow people to hit a certain type of notes. But with that come along great consequences like raspiness, voice sounding tired, requiring lots of rest. Here you can see how does a nodule look:

The first known celebrity with nodules was Julie Andrews.  Like a lot of people would, she went to do a surgery to remove them. The surgery was succesful but unfortunatly Julie lost a lot of her range and the power from her voice, saying she lost it completely. This surgery is extremly risky and you can either lose one of your registers or your singing ability in total.

The same thing happened to Celine Dion but her story is different. She reacted on the right time and saved her voice without surgery. The way she did it is quite astonishing because she didn't talk or use her voice for 9 months. 
Now the most popular singer of all time who has this condition is Mariah Carey. This fact is relatively uknown to masses but she spoke openly about it on numerous occasions. Her vocal care routine requires a lot of rest, vocal rest and stress can also affect her voice. In most cases people develop these but Mariah was born with them. Early on in her career she constantly slayed with her vocals but being the hardworker she is, it took a toll on her voice. Another side effect is that it changed the timbre of her voice almost every single year and every one of her albums has a different and distinctive tone to it. Mariah has had rises and falls but she always comes back in full glory with her natural talent. 
When it comes to her condition, fearing she would lose her one of a kind voice she avoided surgery and delt with nodules by singing through them.

POLYPHONIC NOTES- Unique trait of people with nodules

Polyphonic notes are notes that are sung at the same time. To better understand what I'm talking about check out this video for clarity. Credit: mariahxlambily

I hope you liked this article. Feel free to reccomend any topics you would like to see covered.
Till next time.
Love, Dinasworld ❣


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