The truth about Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is known as the most influential musical icon whose legacy spans for decades and his influence can't be denied. However,  his fans (Moonwalkers) know the truth about him and so does everybody else need to.

1. Michael didn't have 50+ surgeries. He only had 3!

That's right. Although it does seem to the human eye that he has done so many in most cases it's because they compare his picture from the 60s to the picture from 90s and 00s. Just because he was wealthy it doesn't mean he discovered the fountain of youth to spare him the natural aging part. The change in his skin tone happened for another reason and we will get back on it later. Michael was always insecure about his nose and his father who was very abusive towards him made fun of his nose. However, the first time he went for a nose job was after he fell and broke his nose on the Victory tour. That's when he siezed the oppurtunity to slim down his nose. The second surgery was to make his nose pointier and he did that one in the 80s. His final plastic surgery was the dimple on his chin. That's all work he had and this claim about 50 of them is ridicilous.

2. He had a skin disorder called Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that affects only 1% population of the planet. It is a disorder when the pigmentation of the skin gets destroyed. There is no way that skin bleeching can make you have permanent effects of changing. That's why Michael wore gloves and makeup, to cover of the spots of his changing skin. This is how that looked like.

3.  He was a big humanitarian and he loved children

In his lifetime Michael donated to almost every country in need. He donated to charities, hospitals and even to my country Bosnia after war in Sarajevo 1992. Even though all of the accusations against him were found untrue, people still believe them and call him a  child molester. The truth is, Michael always loved children because he never had a childhood of his own. He was performing at the age of 6 and in short time turned into a real recording artist. He had no time to play like other children because he had to grow up so soon. He enjoyed seeing children happy and he brought them to his Neverland ranch which is designed like a children's paradise. Michael could have never harmed anybody because he had a kind heart and encouraged everyone to be the same.

It is so sad that to this day Michael is represented for something he is not and not recognised as what he was. We let the media destroy the image of a perfect and innocent soul who saved lives of so many and gave so much. Even though people tried to break him he stood strong on his feet and his music will live on and on. A perfect proof that Michael didn't do all those things to himself is in this video. Take a look:

Till next time

Love, Dinasworld


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