Advantages of people who read books

Books are the best human creations of all time. With them we prove that with talent and with a way of using words can translate into a masterpiece and into something iconic. A lot of people today don't read books because they like the power of the big screen and the way it conveys a message but little do they know that a movie is just a representation of the surface of the story while the writer's book has the depth and the original meaning inside of it.  Reading books has it's joys and benefits and we're gonna tell you  what they are.

1. You get smarter

When you read them your IQ grows and your general knowledge and learning ability increases. The more books you read, the richer your vocabulary will be and you will be smarter.

2. Creativity levels and your written works get better

This one is logical and I can confirm it myself. I've always enjoyed writing but when I started reading more books, my vocabulary improved and by analyzing the structure of writing by different authors, I learned how to empower my own. Being able to express yourself lyricaly is really appriciated today. Every movie and every song had to be written, and in writing you see the power of reading.

3. You spend more time learning something and exercising your brain

Instead of  ruining your eyesight spending too much time on your phone or computer, you can read and spend your time better and with more quality. Litterally, reading can't do you no harm it can just help you be better. So reading is always a healthy option whenever you feel bored or have free time.

Reading is something we all can do to make our lives better and feed our brains with something good. There is a book for everybody and for every preference and personality. Books will never lose their value and will always be there to help us. The brigthest minds realised this and nurtured them. You should do the same.

Till next time xoxo
Love, Dinasworld


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